Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Mini Parties

If anyone is interested we are now offering mini-parties. If you would like some more
one-on-one time, we would be willing to throw you your own mini bow party. 6 or more friends can come and have a smaller gathering. E-mail us at if you are interested and we will give you more information.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Next Bow Party....

For those of you who made it to our last bow parties, thanks for your support!! We had lots of fun. For those of you who missed it, you still have a chance to come and make some cute bows. We are going to have some more parties in June. As of right now, we are thinking of doing a party on Thursday night, June 11th in Hooper and Saturday June 13th in Willard. We would love any feedback on the dates and if there is a time that you think would work best!! We would love to hear from you and hope you check back often to our blog. Our goal is to keep it updated with fun new bows and ideas.